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Thursday, November 8, 2012

MS CRM 4: Enable a disabled Root BU

Some things should never happen. Like following a saying  " Don't Cut The Branch On Which You Sit", you should never disable a Root Business Unit. Because if it happens, you cut yourself from the system. Disabling the root BU, will disable your security access.  Life is life, and your root BU is in an inactive mode. And then what? Well, if you are lucky, you might just restore the system from the most recent backup. But what if you don't have a recent backup or backup at all? Here is the solution:

Actions to troubleshoot:
1. Make a backup of your current database calling it "Date_Company_BeforeBaseUnitUpdate".
2. Run an update script for businesunitbase table to change isdisabled to 0 for a root unit and other units if required.

update businessunitbase

set isdisabled =  0

Where businessunitid = 'enter your business unit id'

3. Restart IIS.
Note: with a new windows run prompt as admin
Note: this action will kick all users out of the system
C:\Documents and Settings\company\iisreset
4. Restart Microsoft CRM Asynchronous Processing Service.

5. Make a backup of your database after change calling it "Date_Company_AfterBaseUnitUpdate".


  1. Hi YuliaVS
    Thank you for the help. It worked for us and saved us a lot of time.

  2. Thanks this helped.
